Get up, go out, watch a movie, fall in love...

Thursday, June 12, 2014

We are the Best

I'm gonna say this without much preamble: We are the Best is definitely in the top 5 movies I've watched this year! 

This is a movie that we got to see in Toronto Film Festival and other small festivals, and might not have been in Sundance, or Tribeca, nor Cannes, but it certainly was much better than 90% of the competition selection of all those. 

Why was it so good? A Swedish movie about teenagers? I know in paper sounds like a no no, but believe me, those nordic guys can come up with pretty genius things. (I know you are thinking about IKEA). 

First of all I must admit that the story and the dialogues where absolutely clever. Everything is so well thought, the argument is so simple but yet so strong and the characters so genuine. Even the sense of humor was great. 

In addition to that, the set design was outstanding. The whole film is set on the 80's. Every detail, every piece of clothing, even the subway is perfectly designed. They must have done some pretty intense research to achieve such accurate 80's feel. 

I have to say that this is one of those films that reaffirm the power and beauty of independent and artistic films and the importance of watching foreign movies. 

What else can I say. Get up, go out and find the best movie theater to watch "We are the Best". 

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